
My mother yells at me to get moving already. It's the third time and I have to leave for school in 15 minutes, so I sluggishly roll out of bed and start to tug on my socks. My mother put my undershirt in the dryer again so it's all scratchy, but I hurry up and put it on anyway because I'm a good kid really and I don't want to be late for school. "Are you dressed yet?!" she shouts, and I mumble "almost" as I reach for a uniform shirt.

Suddenly, the door bangs open and I hear my mother shreik. "You told me you were getting dressed ten minutes ago! Why are you still here?! It's five to eight!" I sit up with a start and my eyes fly open to see that I'm still in pajamas. Wow, that was one realistic dream! Still disoriented, I throw on the clothes my mother is stuffing in my face and stagger out the door.

This time I'm really up (and dressed, to boot). With a mad dash I make it onto the schoolbus... and that's when the nightmare begins.

1 comment:

Something Different said...

There is a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon about your dream... Wish I had a link for you.
I personally never had that nightmare, but I can most definitely relate to the last line.
You write really well!