My second grade English teacher is beautiful, kind, wise, and in short exactly the kind of person I want to impress. Occasionally I even fantasize -- just for a moment -- about her marrying my uncle and becoming my new best friend for life.

Miss Lowenstein has a special contest, and I can't wait to win. Then everyone will be my friend and Miss Lowenstein will love me because she'll see how good I am. The best part is that I know everyone will have a chance to win because there is a new winner every week and there's a lot of weeks. But I hope my chance comes soon.

The first week, of course, Leah is the MVP of the Week. I'm not even disappointed because everyone knew she would be first, she's always the best at everything. Her name goes up on the scoreboard and she gets a prize -- a real prize, not just a little eraser. She looks so proud. I hope I'm next.

I don't win the next week or the one after that, either. But still, every Friday I get all excited because I really hope it's me this time.

Finally the week comes when I know I will be the MVP of the Week. I know it has to be me this time because everyone else has already had a chance. I am on my best behavior all week and Friday is maybe the happiest day of my life. Until MVP time, because it's not me after all. It's Leah. Again. And she gets a great prize, even though she got one already. It's a fancy sharpener with glitter and things that move around inside. I wish I had one just like that. It should have been mine. It's not fair. I think Miss Lowenstein doesn't really like me at all. Maybe I'll never be MVP of the Week.

The year is almost over when I finally get my turn. I'm not even sitting at the edge of my seat anymore, just barely paying attention because I'm sure it will be another repeat. But suddenly I hear my name called, and Miss Lowenstein has a big smile on her face and gives me the best prize of them all. I love it, I love her, and I'm every bit as proud as I'd always imagined I'd be.

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